I Litter (The Wizard of Oz Litter)
GCH Dunham Lake Touched by an Angel "Gabby" CH Dunham Lake Unanimous Decision "Jake” Two Grand Champions, one Champion, performance titles and group placements. Judy and Emma
GCH Dunham Lake Touched by an Angel "Gabby" CH Dunham Lake Unanimous Decision "Jake” Two Grand Champions, one Champion, performance titles and group placements. Judy and Emma
CH Nellyson’s Yippy Yippy Yay! “Loretta”
CH Dunham Lake Scoutmaster “Scout"
Champions and Grand Champion Edward, Posey, Aurora.
Canadian Champion Wilfnbell Red Bondi “Tailer” Owned by Sylvia Knight
Grand Champion, International champion, Swedish champion, multi titled performance dogs Webe, Matilda, Finnick and Malbec
GCH Dunham Lake Touched by an Angel “Gabby"
Dunham Lake The Natural “Chase"
One champion Riikka.
GCH Dunham Lake Touched by an Angel "Gabby" CH Dunham Lake Unanimous Decision "Jake” Two
One champion Mara
Dunham Lake Much Ado About Something “Bea”
CH Dunham Lake Unanimous Decision “Jake”
Top performance dog Oscar.
GCH Benayr Just For Kicks “Beckham”
One champion Parker.
CH Dunham Lake Take a Bow "Reba"
BISS GCH Black Back Firefly "Ringo"
(owned by Pamela Levy)
Two champions Scarlet and Remy.
CH Benayr Dakota's Daring Darling "Dakota"
Benayr Harley Davidson "Harley"
CH Benayr Dakota's Daring Darling "Dakota"
GCH Benayr Just for Kicks "Beckham"
Two Grand Champions, one multiple Best in Show, BOB at Westminster and two BOB at Montgomery. (Scout and Gabby)
CH Benayr Dakota's Daring Darling "Dakota"
GCH Benayr Just for Kicks “Beckham"
One Grand Champion (Miles)
CH Benayr Kaih Catch the Wave "Kaih"
GCH Nellyson's Mr. Don't Skip the Zip “Zippy” (Owned by The Mechalke’s)
Two Grand Champions, one multiple Best in Show, BIS OH, BOB at Westminster, one BOB at Montgomery, Holds recored for BIS Red AT in USA. (Jake and Reba)