Dunham Lake Australian Terriers


Grooming Supplies I use with Links:

Theresa Goiffon

Several items you can purchase at Cherry Brook so I will list those together with links to the pages.

All these found at Cherry Brook website:

Metal Comb (I would get two)

Stripping Knives (Coarse and Fine)

Face Stripping Knife

Andreas Brush (one medium size)

Pin Brush

Found directly:

Isle of Dog

Finger Cots

Grooming Table

You will need a blending sheer and a small scissors. I have the following. They are pricey but for me worth it. If you want to spend less, look at some of the scissor/blending sheers on Cherry Brook or Pets Edge and pick something mid price range.

6” curved Sheers
Blending Sheers    
For Grooming technique and video on how to groom your Australian Terrier click here.